
p5 version 0.6.0 is the final release for the Google Summer of Code 2019 project by Arihant Parsoya. The project was supervised by Abhik Pal and Sam Lavigne of the Processing Foundation. The goals of the project were:

  1. Add tutorials and examples for Processing modules
  2. Complete typography module
  3. Improving the Shape Class
  4. Adding test suit to p5.py modules
  5. Add 3D capabilities

We met the goals 1-4 completely. The last goal was completed partially as we were facing issues with vispy depth testing functionality. All the examples and tutorials for existing modules were imported from Processing website with live interactive sketch created using p5.js. Tests for all submodules are added using Pythons inbuilt unittest library. Additionally, bugs posted on github issue tracker are fixed.

API Additions